Sunday, May 3, 2015


            There are millions of different gyms out there and if you just started weightlifting it can be hard to figure out which one you want to pay to go to.  The different machines and services at a gym will change your views on the gym.  Also your preferences and weightlifting goals will determine what kind of gym that your want.
            If you want to just stay healthy or cut fat, you will want a gym that has many cardio machines like treadmills stair steppers and maybe even saunas, like the YMCA.  If you want to get bigger stronger and are very serious about increasing size then a gym with many machines and free weights along with many different benches in them would be good for you, like a bodybuilding gym.  If you are an athlete and you want to increase speed, flexibility, and stamina, you may be interested in a cross fit gym.  Cross fit is a form of light weight training combined with very intense cardio circuits that cause you to sweat like crazy. 
            Remember, we’re all in this together, keep your stick on the ice.

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