Sunday, May 3, 2015

Life as a Weightlifter

Life as a Weightlifter
            Many stages happen throughout your life when you decide to lift weights.  It can be when you are very young, or if you started very old and late.  Whenever you started weightlifting it will become one of the greatest and most rewarding decisions of your life.  Many results will happen from your hard effort and dedication.  This post will discuss all the perks, growth, and building in your muscles throughout your life of weight lifting. 
            Depending on what age you start weightlifting, your body will react to the new lifting and weight training you are now performing.  In the beginning of your weightlifting, your muscles are not accustomed to all the work and effort that your muscles now have to do, this will cause slight discomfort and soreness in your muscles.  Over time your muscles will get used to the work that they will no longer become sore after exercise.  Daily working out and exercise will even have a chance to make you taller and make your shoulders wider.  If you start young in your teens, then you will grow all the more from the exercises and naturally from puberty and growth spurts.  Obviously you will begin to see growth and strength in your muscles after a few weeks of hard work and motivation.  Your shirts will get tighter and your confidence stronger.  The veins in your forearms, biceps, shoulders, and maybe even legs, will begin to show from the muscles pushing out the veins making them pop out for long periods of time.
            Although over time you will need to do one of two things to continue to see growth in your body.  You see your body likes to fall into a system of repetition where it does the same thing over and over for long periods of time.  From something like working out your body may fall into this system after a few weeks, causing your body to not grow and build muscle anymore, it might even become weaker and smaller.  To prevent something like this from happening you need to either increase the average weight that you do in your exercises causing your muscles to stress further which they are not used to making them continue to grow.  The other thing that you can do is create new workouts with exercises that you don’t normally do, causing different areas of the muscles to be worked also continuing growth.  There are many many different exercises for just one muscle group so you can have many different workouts for each muscle group.  The smartest idea is to do one cycle of workouts for three to four weeks in a row and after that either increase weight or change your workouts. 
            Over time your skin will tighten from the increasing mass of your muscles, the weight that you can lift will gradually and rewardingly increase.  You will set goals, achieve those goals, and set higher goals.  Cardio is always important to not only make you healthier but to also reduce fat and sweat will help clean out your pores, plus you feel much better after a long sweaty cardio workout.  Once you get into the rhythm of exercising you will want to learn more and more about it and eventually you will be completely addicted to weightlifting and that feeling of skin tightening, blood rushing, arm blasting, veins popping, and throw upping experience you feel in the gym.  Weightlifting is a lifestyle and one of the best decisions you will make in your life.  If you can succeed in weightlifting you will find many other things in life are very easy.  Weightlifting teaches discipline, nutrition, good decision making, achievement, hard work, and consequence.  Remember, we’re all in this together, keep your stick on the ice.         

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