Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chest Exercises

Chest Exercises
The chest is one of the most stubborn muscles to try to gain on, it takes a lot of energy and a lot of weight to get results from it.  Your chest is not going to grow if you don’t make it grow.  Unlike most muscle groups you need to constantly use HEAVY weight and a lot of reps to see results. 
Chest has three parts, they all have scientific names to them but we’re just going to call them your outer chest, inner chest, and upper chest.  Your outer chest is just a thin little sliver of muscle on the outside of your chest next to the sides of you lats (back), although it is a very important part of your chest cause it helps push your chest out and make it look bigger.
Your inner chest is the biggest part of your chest, it helps with to overall inflation of your chest. It is not worked on very much because working the outside of your chest usually helps the inside of your chest also.
Your upper chest is of course at the top of your chest and it helps your chest actually look like you have chest (instead of just man boobs).  It is a harder muscle to concentrate on but it is about as important as your outer chest.
Outer Chest
·         Butterfly Presses- this can either be done with dumbbells or a machine, you use grab dumbbells and lay flat on a bench, then lift the dumbbells from your sides in a neutral grip and without bending your elbow raise them up above your chest making a circle as you do.
·         Dumbbell Bench Push Presses- for this your can also use a machine or dumbbells, also lay on a flat bench but you hold the dumbbells to your sides in a regular grip, then push up like you would on a bench press and as you’re pressing make the dumbbells almost touch at the top.
·         Wide Grip Bench Press- Exactly how it sounds, you can do this on a flat bench or some machines have an option for wide grip presses.  Use a grip that is about a half a foot wider than your shoulder width on each side.  On most Olympic sized bars that is the outer ring that has a space of no textured grip on it.  The wide grip on the bar forces more pressure on your outer chest.
·         Wide Push Ups- Resting your hands on a surface wider than your shoulders will do about the same effect as the wide grip bench press except you are using your body weight.  Keep your butt down and your back straight when doing pushups and for the best results go down to the ground slowly, about two seconds going down and then rest in the down position for about a second, then take two more seconds returning to the up position.

Inner Chest (not a lot of exercises for this)
·         Diamond Pushups- Bring your hands together and make the tips of your thumbs and index fingers touch to form sort of a diamond shape with your hands.  Doing pushups with your arms and hands this close together will put pressure and focus on your inner chest.
·         Close Grip Bench Press- Just like a regular bench press except this time you have the inner part of your hands only a few inches from each other as you press.  You may need to use less weight with this lift and it may cause you to lose balance of the bar but it is a great exercise for the inside of your chest muscle.
Upper Chest
·         Inclined Bench Press- The inclined bench press focused a lot on your upper chest and is probably the best exercise for it.  You can do different variations of this press like wide grip or narrow grip but regular shoulder width grip is probably the best at focusing on the upper portion of the chest.  30-45 degree incline on the bench is the best for this exercise.  It may feel awkward at first if you’re not used to it but it does work well.
·         Elevated Pushups- Do regular width pushups but keep your feet and legs resting on an elevated area, if there isn’t a specific area for this you could put your feet on a bench or chair, or ottoman.
·         Dumbbell Pull Over- This is an exercise that was very popular in the 50’s and 60’s but still works great today.  Lay on a flat bench, grabbing one dumbbell and holding one side of it with both hands.  Have the dumbbell hanging over the side of the bench, past where your head sits (like you would for tricep pull overs).  Without bending your arms pull the dumbbell up and over the bench till its straight in your arms and above your head.  Repeat.
·         Upper Chest Dumbbell Exercise X- I have no idea what the actual name of this exercise is.  I found it on a youtube video from the username AthleanX.  He gets all the credit for this exercise I just saw it and found it very useful.  You take two dumbbells (helps if they have flat sides on them) and you lay on an inclined bench, holding the dumbbells together.  You then push the dumbbells up while together, but as you are pushing up you are also pushing the dumbbells into each as hard as you possibly can, while also pushing them slowly up.  This is supposed to put extreme pressure on your upper chest.   

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