Friday, September 12, 2014

Noob Mistakes in the Gym

Weightlifting Noob Mistakes
In this post I will be listing ten mistakes I see in the gym from newbies who aren’t sure what exactly they’re doing.  All the time I see these specific mistakes and I feel like if you are reading this, you can check to see if you are doing these.
1.      All the time I see guys walking in, who have hardly ever lifted in their life, but for some reason feel that they are naturally the strongest one there. IF YOU ARE NEW TO WEIGHTLIFTING AND YOU WALK INTO THE GYM, YOU ARE NOT A NATURAL ARNOLD SCHEWARTZENAGER.  If you’re doing this, let me tell you, everyone thinks you’re a total tool.
2.      Don’t pick the heaviest weight that you can do, you need to pick a weight that is comfortable but still poses a challenge.  A weight that you can do about 8-12 reps with should be good.
3.      If you notice that you’re stronger than someone else, don’t rub it in their face, we all start in different levels and you should be happy that they’ve decided to try to get stronger.
4.      Technique is everything.  You should always work on getting technique down before working on lifting heavier.  Don’t worry how light you have to go till you can do the exercise correctly, you’ll eventually get it and go back to going heavy.
5.      If you’re new to the gym, don’t always try to help others, chances are you could also be wrong and just advised someone else wrongly.
6.      ALWAYS clean off the machine you were on when you’re done with it, no one like to use a machine covered in a stranger’s sweat.
7.      If you can’t do a certain weight don’t try to force yourself to lift it, showing off is not worth the risk of pulling a muscle.  I have pulled many muscles over the years and I can say, IT SUCKS.
8.      When you’re doing lifts like RDLs (Romanian DeadLifts), deadlifts, or bent over rows, keep your back as straight as you can, doing the slightest jerk of your back could really damage a muscle.(I would know)
9.      If you’re doing barbell, dumbbell, or tricep bar curls, it only counts if you are extending you’re arm all the way and are keeping your body still, not using it to help push the bar up.  You want your arms doing the work not the bar.  I see so many people swaying their whole body with their curls.

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