Sunday, September 21, 2014

Getting Yo-self Motivated

Get Yourself Motivated
            Constantly I feel and see from others the lack of motivation to work out and exercise.  It seems like there is always a reason to not workout and I’ve heard tons of excuses on it, none of them good.  I myself get the feeling to not workout for that day, but it is always best if you push through these excuses and exercise because in the long run you will be glad you did.  Here’s a list of excuses I hear all the time and if you are using these they don’t count and you need to quit being lazy and just do it:
           I don’t feel like it today- OK this is the worst one EVER!  ‘“I don’t feel like it” well you sure “felt like” stuffing your face with cake earlier today’.  This is obviously my least favorite excuse to not workout but it’s the one I hear the most.  It’s like your too lazy to even come up with a real excuse to not workout so you just throw out this pile of crap, STOP IT PEOPLE!
·         But I had to work today- yeah, I went to work today too, don’t see me complaining about it
·         I went pretty hard yesterday I better rest and pace myself- you can “rest” the day you are scheduled to rest on your workout routine, today you lift.
·         I don’t need to work out today anyway- Have you looked at yourself recently, yeah, you do
·         I’ll just work out twice as hard tomorrow- Oh REALLY, tomorrow, and what will your excuse be for tomorrow
·         The gym is so far away, I don’t want to waste gas driving their- That’s fine you can do tons of bodywork exercises at your house anyway
·         It’s a bit late to be working out don’t you think- OH, so now there’s a set time you have to work out, most gyms are 24/7 anyway
·         I don’t wanna embarrass myself at the gym- Why do you care about the guys at the gym, shouldn’t you be more embarrassed about the guys at the pool staring at you back fat
·         I don’t really know what I’m doing at the gym- There are tons of staff members at the gym that would be delighted to help you, or you could ask one of the less threatening bodybuilders that for some reason seem to be there all day
·         I don’t wanna get sweaty- That’s what showers are for
·         I’m kind of busy today- You don’t have to pumping it for two whole hours just get as much in as you can
·         Fat runs in my family, I’d be wasting my time trying to change genetics- OK, that’s about impossible, you’re not genetically fat, your “too many donuts” fat
·         I’m happy with the way my body looks- LIAR!!!
·         I don’t wanna look like one of those guys who can barely put their arms at their sides cause they have so much muscle- That would only happen with steroids, and I doubt going to the gym one time would cause you to look like that
·         I don’t wanna get too strong- That’s fine there are tons of exercises that focus on body fat control, athleticism, and figure
·         What if everyone else is stronger than me and makes me feel bad for it- The whole reason your at the gym is to get stronger and as long as your focused and not trying to show off, everyone will respect you for trying to change your life

So, these are about all of the excuses I hear all the time to get out of exercising, if you catch yourself using one of these excuses, or any excuse at all, you should stop and just do it anyway.  

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