Sunday, January 25, 2015

Encouragement after an Injury

Encouragement after an Injury
            This is the first time I’ve had a serious injury during my weightlifting career, and I know understand how much it SUCKS!  I have just recently been completely healed and am now back to my normal life of weightlifting.  I understand the hardship and stress it take to come back from a big injury where you can’t exercise for weeks and then find you are considerably weaker than you were before the injury.  I will make this post to try to encourage anyone out there that have just gotten back from an injury. 
            Yes, it will take a lot of extra work and dedication to get back into weightlifting and even more to get back to your pre-injured state, but this is the time that you realize and show to people your commitment.  This is a time of character building because if you can pull through and do it, then there is nothing you can’t do.  The road will be hard but the payoff will be great.  Also the weeks of not exercising will make your muscles not used to it, so by the time you work out again your muscles will grow faster as if it were when you first started working out.
Remember, we’re all in this together, keep your stick on the ice. 

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