Sunday, January 25, 2015

Increases Maxes

Increase Maxes
            One of the greatest ways to show your new strength is show your max weight on certain lifts, like the bench press max, or squat max.  But a lot of people are frustrated with their maxes because they aren’t as high as they feel that they should be.  This post will be discussing how to increase your maxes and feel great. 
            One of the first things you need to do is obviously decide what exercise you want to increase your max on.  Whether you are trying increase the max of your bench press, hang clean, squat, dead lift, or curls, the methods are all very similar and they all work.  Next, you need to find your max out for that certain lift.
            Finding your max out requires a feeling of strength and readiness, some days are just better than others, so the best thing to do is to wait till there is a day that feels good for your lift.  Then you need to start out with a good warm-up like what I have suggested in earlier posts, and also stretching.  Then you need to start your lift with light weight, no matter how easy your starting weight is only do one rep of it.  Then add about ten pounds or so to that weight, and continue to add ten or so pounds until you get the feeling you are getting close to the most weight you can do, then slowly add little weight at a time still doing only one rep at a time.  Then you don’t stop till you get to a weight you can no longer do, but try at least three times to be sure it is truly your max.  Then, viola, your max weight for that exercise.
            Now that you know your max weight for the exercise you are working on, it’s time to start the training to increase that max.  You first need to be dedicated to working on this exercise at least three times a week.  Once you are ready for your training you need to warm up then do 90% of your max for five sets only doing one rep of this exercise.  Once you finish five sets of this, reduce down to about 75-80% of your max doing about five to seven reps for three to five sets.  Next, reduce down again to about sixty to sixty-five percent of your max for about eight to ten reps of three to five sets.  Next, you should work on muscle groups that would help your max out.  Like if you want to max out on bench press, you should exercise your triceps, biceps, back, and chest.  If you are working on maxing out your squat or your dead lift, you should work on calves, quads, hamstrings, and shoulders.  If you want to max out on your bicep curls, you should work on biceps, shoulders, forearms, and hand strength.  And so on.
            The second day you should do about sixty to sixty-five percent of your max of eight to ten reps of about four to five sets.  Then, do your exercises for other helping muscle groups for seven to ten reps of about five to six sets, although this time do different exercises of these muscles.  And on the third day that you work on your max out exercise, you should do about eighty percent of your max out for seven sets for three to six reps a set.  Then finally do about four to five sets of your other muscle groups for five to seven reps each, still doing different exercises than you did the previous two days.
            So I hoped this helped you increase your maxes and made your feel better about your lifting.  Remember, we’re all in this together, keep your stick on the ice.

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