Sunday, January 18, 2015

Losing Weight without Alot of Money

Losing Weight without A lot of Money
            Losing Weight is something about every fat, lard sacked, Twinkie loving American wants to accomplish, but they soon give into all the new fads in weight loss like Zumba, or Insanity, or P90X.  I’m not dissing any of these weight loss systems they’re all great, I’m just saying that you can get the same results by just regular weightlifting, cardio, and nutrition.  Most people just feel like after watching an infomercial or reading an article about one of these fads that regular working out is inferior to them.  If you feel like you are only going to lose weight and fat if you spend the big bucks to get one these weight loss systems, then you should finish reading this post.
           Before you think I’m stupid or think that I hate all these new weight loss plans coming out, hear me out first.  The good ole system is of eating a lot of fruits, proteins, and avoiding junk, while maintaining a good workout plan and cardio system to lose weight.  People have used this for generations and has worked great for everyone willing to stay with it and keep pushing forward.  There is a reason that so many of the exercises most common to people today were used since the beginning of exercise and weightlifting.  BECAUSE THEY WORK!  These new fads in exercise like video exercises are pretty much just amped up follow along cardio that just limit rest and create high intensity.  Most of the exercises aren’t very special, just simple and easy but made to do a lot of repetitions with. 
            All I’m getting at is that if you have Insanity, P90X, or Zumba, great, but if you don’t you could get the same results from just basic lifting and cardio.  The most I would use a service like insanity is if I need a high intensity cardio in just a little bit.  They are made best for fat loss and toning, not necessarily for muscle building and gains. 
            Insanity, Zumba, P90X are all great video services and amazingly intense cardio but might not be worth the money it would take to get these.  Especially if your goals are to get huge muscles or to just gain mass, these would do about the opposite because too much cardio tends to break down muscles and make them lose mass and strength.
            Remember cardio is great but too much can cause loss of muscle mass and size.  Cardio videos are amazing for fat loss but that’s about it.  Remember, we’re all in this together, keep your stick on the ice.

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