Sunday, October 19, 2014

Advantages to being Buff

Advantages to being Buff
            If you exercise long and hard enough, you are going to get sooner or later, buff, which is awesome.  There are many advantages to being buff although there are also a few disadvantages to it too.  This post will be talking about all the amazing advantages to being strong, but also the few disadvantages and possibly motivating you to want to exercise so you can experience these advantages. 
            Obviously a HUGE advantage to being buff is the strength part of it, but there are other perks you may not know about.  So, let’s imagine if you aren’t already that you have been working out for years and you just recently are seeing huge mass and definition in your body (cool, right).  You will notice that your friends are noticing, you may get lots of comments on your strength.  Some may joke about your muscle but you know deep down, they’re so jealous.  Also, lots of girls will notice your new strength, (unless if you are a girl), for some reason, girls love strong men, you may be getting lots of attention, flirting, and muscle feeling, and it’s awesome.  You may also feel that all of your shirts seem smaller.  Well they’re not smaller, you’re just bigger.  You might first feel a little embarrassed or nervous to go out with a shirt that shows off your pecs, but trust after all the attention you’ll get, it’ll become a huge confidence booster.  And since now you have all that confidence you might want to even start wearing pink shirts.  Lots of guys that are on the stronger side wear pink shirts because, whos going to make fun of them for that.  Someone could try but he might get torn in half by this pink shirt wearing man’s hands. 
            Although, with every good thing there must be some bad things to go along with it.  The disadvantages to being buff are far fewer than that of the advantages.  Some disadvantages are that because of all the muscles you will form in your back, reaching your back may be more difficult, but stretching on a regular basis could help this.  Another disadvantage to being strong is that you may be mistaken for someone who’s on steroids (hopefully you’re not) people, no matter what you say, will insist that you are on some sort of muscle enhancer, just try to ignore them.  Also you may get constant challenges from people to have a lift-off with you trying to prove that you aren’t as strong as you seem.  My advice, just do it to show them up and make them embarrassed.  The last and worst disadvantage to getting strong is that after a while you will form calluses on your hands.  Calluses are awesome and horrible at the same time, they make the skin on your hands harder so that weightlifting doesn’t hurt your hands anymore, but if they get to bad they dry out your hands and make them hurt if you put too much pressure on them.  You can help this by lifting with gloves, using hand lotion, and you can also buy a callus grinder from the store to help smooth them out.  

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