Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hard Work, Big Payoff

Hard Work, Big Payoff
            You always hear that hard work can go a long way, well that could be more true in the gym.  You will see results based on the hardship, sweat, and pain you went through in the gym.  NO EXCUSES, AMERICA!!!  All the time I talk to my friends and they are all the time slacking off in the gym saying “I’m pretty tired, I think I’m goin to take an easy day today” NO!!!  There should never be an “easy day” if you are spending that day in the gym.  I understand that there are those days that just aren’t meant for you to be exercising but you have to force yourself to work even on those days, sometimes when you don’t feel like working out, just forcing yourself to do it can make you get encouraged and create that “easy day” into a day of progress and growth. 
            You may think that just slacking for one day won’t change anything and you may be right, but I know that humans are creatures of habit and that if you slack one day that next day you’ll be all the more obligated to slacking off again, lying to yourself that you deserve to take it easy.  Then before you know it you have so much butt fat that you could hang it on a tree and you’d stretch down four feet, lean back into it and you’d be a lard hammock!  DON’T BE A LARD HAMMOCK!

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